Thursday, December 14, 2023

Denver Library Zentangle Snowflake Greeting Card

December 11th, I traveled by Zoom to Denver, Colorado for a Zentangle class.  Kids from 5-12 years old joined me hosted by Arapahoe Library. There was a hint of snow in Denver left on the ground from past snowfall while I was here in San Diego, California with a warm day of 75 degrees.  I still have a bucket list of having a "white" Christmas someday.  Usually San Diego Christmas days are around 75-80 degrees.

The librarian's Heather and Ashley hosted our class, and we choose a Zentangle snowflake greeting card as our project.  The library does a very nice job of material handouts for the kids. The kids pick up project packet prior to class and then join me on the day of class online with Zoom:

I taught some basic tangles for the class:  Inapod, Printemps, Crescent Moon, Poke Root and Tipple,

Thanks to the Arapahoe Library for having another Zoom class for the kids. 
Kids as well as adults and seniors love Zentangle because there are no rules, no erasers, no mistakes.  Every age can create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns.

This is an example of a typical Zentangle tile.  Usually abstract - no up, no down.
When will you start your Zentangle journey?   

1 comment:

  1. I have your blog bookmarked and had not visited in a while (since early in the pandemic, actually). But I am enjoying seeing how you are teaching these kids via zoom with their library. Keep up the good work!

    My sister in law's library in northern NY has been doing a monthly grab-n-go kit for the children's room ever since the pandemic shut down. They have continued this even after things reopened. It's a great way to get people back into the library with their kiddos. I will have to suggest that they try zentangles with the kids.
