Monday, February 24, 2025

Kensington Library Zebra Zentangle Class

 A beautiful Saturday this afternoon at Kensington Library, San Diego, Calif..  This location is so class to the San Diego Zoo, thought we would tangle a Zebra for our Zentangle class today.

Ben Kwok created this outline for the class today.  He has many coloring books with amazing outlines.

Our tangles today were: Keeko, Stripping, Onamato, Zander, Printemps, Knightsbridge, Jetties, Reticulated, Tipple, Barber Pole, Hollibaugh, Knase, and Zebra.

Nine of us enjoyed the time spent together learning some old and new tangles. 

Fun Zebra facts:

Zebras are black with white stripesThis is because the black fur is the default color, and the white stripes are areas where pigment production is turned off. Zebra's sleep facing each other to watch for prey.

ust like human fingerprints, no two zebra stripes are the same, although each of the three species of zebra have the same general 
stripe patterns. Scientists believe their stripes may have a social purpose and help zebra recognize each other.


Friday, January 31, 2025

Kensington Library classes coming up

 More Zentangle classes coming in Feb, March, Apri to Kensington Library

Dates:  Check calendar on blog for picture

2/22/25 @ 2-4   Zebra will be tangled

3/22/25 @ 2-4   Gray Spring Bunny will be tangled

4/12/25 @ 2-4   Faux Leather Bookmark will be tangled

Only 10 seats, register with library by calling:  619/533-3974

Please call if you need to cancel.  There is a waiting list.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Kensington Library Hot Air Balloon ZIA

 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the tanglers out there that love Zentangle.

January class at Kensington Library, this cute little library in Hillcrest, San Diego, we created a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) in the likes of a hot air balloon scene.

Eight happy tanglers joined in to fill our scene with fun tangles.

Thanks to Friends of Kensington Library for supporting Zentangle classes.
Don't forget to join Friends of libraries to continue getting free classes brought to your library.  
Only $10 a year.