Friday, April 21, 2017

Zentangle At Hawthorne Elementary School, San Diego, California
Mrs. Ayikpa contacted me to teach a Zentangle class to her first graders.  Now how can you turn that offer down?   I love teaching the kids because they LOVE Zentangle when they see how easy it is. 
I always tell them, THERE ARE NO MISTAKES IN ZENTANGLE (your pattern just takes a different turn). 

This first grade class was very enthusiastic to learn a brand new, unique art method.  I try to incorporate the Zentangle art project that I teach the kids that is relevant to their current curriculum they are working on. 

Life science was the topic at hand, so hence..... the dragon fly.  All 23 students enjoyed applying the patterns (tangles - in Zentangle terminology) to Mr. Dragonfly and felt very proud to make an outline come to life  by simply drawing structured patterns.  Wouldn't you agree?  So simple first graders can complete.

Thanks Mrs. Ayikpa for introducing Zentangle to your kids.  They will be able to apply this art method in many avenues in class - journaling, calming down after recess/lunch, in between test to clear their mind, opening a door to talk to other kids they might not have befriended when they share their work with the other kids, and also in their life outside of school. 

                                                                Good job kiddo's !!!



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