Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Weekly Diva Challenge #308

Weekly Challenge #308: "MacNCheese"  (by Laura Harms - I am the Diva)

"So this week on the zentangle blog Rick and Maria wrote about comfort tangles and going back to the basics.  It really hit home with me because I often feel a lot of pressure to come up with something exciting and NEW each week.... instead of remembering the reason I started this blog in the first place - which was as a place of inspiration and a place of motivation.  There are eleventy-billion named tangles and named variations of tangles out there.  And there are more and more being posted each day.  It's so hard to keep up, and sometimes the more complex they are the more stressful they become because there's more opportunities for"doing it wrong".  Sometimes you just want to relax and let your pen dance across the page, and do what flows naturally from you."  
When the CZT's get together in San Diego, we often say, let's get back to basic. Corner dots, string and tangle.
Laura's challenge this week was to use your MacNCheese tangle (favorite or go to tangle).  From the first day I first learned 'Nzepple, I loved it and four years later, still my "go to" tangle.

Using a black tile, and Neon Gelly roll pens... adding some Bales for contrast, I think I like it !

Come on now, what's yours?



  1. Love the Gelly roll moonlight on the black tile. They are so vibrant!

  2. I do love my Gelly Roll pens and seeing yours is divine. I'll have to try them on something black.

  3. A lovely tile with those bright colors

  4. Those pens are wonderful on the black and look great with your selection of favorite go to tangles!
